Order of the Crimson Blade
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Post  Amather Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:35 pm

Two large bats are seen flying high in the night sky. Two forsaken are riding the bats as mounts, they are side by side.
Rider 1: Hurry, I don't want to be late!
Rider 2: Looks like somebody is scared of Lady Salina.
Rider 1: She does not like when you're late...remember what happened to Fred?
Rider 2: Oh dear...you're right lets hurry this up.
Rider 1: We should be coming nea-what is that?
Rider 2: Let me get a closer look.
Rider 2 takes out the sniper wrapped onto his shoulder. He looks through the scope and looks at an upcoming yellow object. The object appears to pick up speed within every second.
Rider 1: Shoot it down...that thing is coming way too fast...
Rider 2: Agreed.
Rider 2 fires a shot at the yellow object. The object continues to approach the forsaken. The object can now be seen spiraling at a tremendous speed.
Rider 1: Its coming right at you!

The object stops moving just as it hits Rider 2 right in the jaw. The object stops spiraling, it is now seen as a shield with the crest of Stormwind and other Alliance insignias on it. The jaw of Rider 2 flies off as does the rider himself. Rider 1 now scared begins to fly faster and lower. The shield begins to fly back toward the ground back in a spiraling fashion. Murati and two men are standing on a ridge. Murati catches his shield as it flies above his head. He wraps the shield onto his back like backpack. Murati turns and faces the two men behind him.
Murati: Do you have the other one in sight yet?
The man to the left looks up in the sky with a telescope. He is known as "Cut-Up".
Cut-Up: Yep, go ahead Michael, blast the forsaken outta o' the sky!
The man known as "Michael" looks into his scope. Through the scope he sees Rider 1. He fires. HEADSHOT!. Murati watches as the body falls from the sky onto the ongoing battlefield. Aiura is leading an assault on a small forsaken base. She commands the Gilnean militia well. Murati looks back to Cut-Up and Michael.

Murati: Michael begin firing from this ridge, Cut-Up guard Michael, make sure a forsaken does not try to sneak up on you guys.
Cut-Up and Michael salute and do as they are told. Murati picks his helm off from a nearby rock and puts its on quickly, completing his Liberator set. Soon a messenger runs towards Murati clearly out of breath, while he runs his top hat falls off.
Messenger: Sir...Loyd...and his men...went off ta chase the Dark Range'ere Salina...she...is tryin' ta escape thru the forest...I told...I told...Loyd yer orders...
The messenger begins to catch his breath with his hands on his knees. Murati shakes his head.
Murati: Thanks for telling me this soldier, you stay here with Cut-Up and Michael. I'll go help Loyd.

Four minutes later...
Murati walks slowly and carefully through the forest. He has his shield and sword drawn, prepared for battle. He continues to walk. Soon he sees a pair of feet behind a tree. He makes his way behind the tree and sees a human female with an arrow deep inside her neck with green ooze dripping from the arrow, clearly a poison. Murati raises his head and stares at another body, a human male with one arrow sticking out from his chest. Murati walks over to him and kneels down. He checks his pulse.
Salina: You should know my shots ALWAYS kill.
Murati quickly gets up with his weapons drawn, he looks around only to see the dark ranger nowhere.
Salina: So Murati the "Liberator" now is it? You seem stronger from the last time we fought.
Murati: Last time we fought you retreated with my sword in your stomach...you never gave my sword back you know.
Salina: Oh I can't wait to bring that tongue to General Arsidikus.
Murati: You're more than welcome to try...

Murati quickly turns around with his shield guarding his midsection, two arrows bounce off his shield.
Murati: You will have to do better that that Salina.
Murati quickly turns around again this time with his shield raised over his head. This time only one arrow bounces off his shield. Murati looks at the direction in which the arrow came for a second. He then begins turning in circles slowly, examining the area around him. Out of nowhere a poof of a black-purplish smoke poofs in front of him. Before he can react a leg pops out from the smoke and kicks Murati's helm right out. ROUNDHOUSE!. Murati falls to the ground, his weapons fall to the ground as well. The dark ranger appears from the smoke in the air with two swords drawn. She lands on the ground and goes for a stab to Murati's chest with both of them. Murati sweeps her legs with his foot, Salina falls to the ground with her swords still in her hands. Murati stands on one knee about to get up, however Salina beats him to it. As she stands up she throws another roundhouse to his face. ROUNDHOUSE! Murati falls to the ground again. Salina jumps in the air and lands on Murati's stomach with her legs spread. She attempts to stab Murati with the sword in her left hand. Murati catches her wrist before the sword can connect. She then goes for another stab this time to Murati's neck. Murati then catches her other wrist. He begins to tighten his grip greatly on both of her wrists. CRACK! Salina lets out a scream and jumps off Murati, she looks at her wrists that are now broken and pretty much useless. Murati stands up quickly and grabs his shield, he throws it at Salina and connects. The dark ranger is blasted into a tree. The damage is great from such a short distance. Murati looks at Salina's unconcious body...thinking what to do.

Posts : 312
Join date : 2011-02-17

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